The Care Certificate

Skills for Care and Care Certificate Standards

Skills for Care is an independent charity, which acts as the strategic body for workforce development in adult social care in England by:

  • Helping adult social care organisations in England recruit, develop and lead their workforce
  • working with employers to set the standards, qualifications, skills and knowledge social care workers need to deliver high quality care.
  • providing practical tools and support
  • helping create a better-led, skilled and valued adult social care workforce.

BVS is the only accredited video-training provider to be endorsed by Skills for Care! 




The Care Certificate - what you need to know

  • The 15 standards were developed in partnership with Health Education England and Skills for Health. 
  • The Care Certificate provides clear evidence to employers and individuals receiving support, and support that the health or social care worker in front of them has been trained and developed to a specific set of standards. It is applicable across health and social care, and is designed to be portable/transferable from sector to sector.

Who the Care Certificate applies to: 

All social care staff need to be assessed to ensure that they provide compassionate and high-quality care and support.


  • The Certificate should be prioritised by employers for “new staff, new to care".
  • The guidance timeframe for a full-time individual to complete the Care Certificate is 12 weeks. The minimum level for quality assurance of the Care Certificate, and the certification itself, is the responsibility of employers.

The Care Certificate is designed to reflect the elements common to these workforces and meet the requirement for providers of regulated activities to ensure that their staff are suitably trained. The certificate trains people to know what is required of them to be caring, and equips them with the skills, knowledge and behaviours to be able to provide quality care. Individuals need to complete all 15 standards to be awarded the Care Certificate.

Managers have a vital responsibility to ensure their staff meet the 15 Standards, so BVS Training have put together a range of high quality training resources to help you do this efficiently and effectively.

Our video-based courses deliver structured in-house training at lower cost and greater convenience than provided by external trainers (though external trainers also find it useful to enhance their own training delivery). They are also more realistic and engaging than text-based online courses.
We offer our video courses via our eLearning portal so care staff can complete their training anytime, anywhere.
For classroom or group-based training, we recommend our DVD solutions:

To meet the training requirements of the Care Certificate, we have two tailored bundles covering all 15 Standards - or alternatively, training can be purchased for each Standard on it's own.

These bundles contain all of the materials you need to provide training to cover the Care Certificate and offer big savings on individual product prices!

The Care Certificate Standards 
