Supporting Materials

Each BVS Training course comes with access to full supporting training materials designed to help you prepare and run an effective and timely training session.
The training materials contain:
Care Certificate Documents
Discussion Guides
The Care Certificate sets out explicitly the learning outcomes, competences and standards of care that will be expected of carers, ensuring that all carers work in a way which is caring, compassionate and of a high quality. These comprehensive documents are designed to help trainers and managers understand and work to the new requirements.
Lesson Plans
These will take you step by step through the training session, when you should play the DVD, when to use the case studies and exercises and points for discussion.
Each training pack has a series of handouts to help the trainer explain the more complex training areas and for use as reference material after the training session.
These guides are useful tools to help you explore important areas of social care which are topic and industry relevant.
Case Studies
Based on real life scenarios, these case studies will assist you and your staff to train using best practice methods. They will also offer a base for discussion on the varying levels of service delivery.
These will help to build your training records and provide evidence of learning by issuing personalised certificates to successful candidates on completion of training.
Question & Answer Sheets
These will enable the trainer to assess the learners knowledge at the end of each session.