Supporting People with Parkinson's

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This course has been launched on our CareTutor platform. Please add the course to your shopping basket and checkout to receive a free phone call explaining how your organisation can benefit from accessing Supporting People with Parkinson's via CareTutor eLearning.


Product Overview

We are delighted to launch this new "Supporting People with Parkinson's"

This course has been launched on our CareTutor platform.

If you are a current or a new customer interested in this course, please add this to your basket and check out to enquire a free phone call explaining a bit about the course and we'll help you setup an account on our CareTutor platform for you to access this course.

Details about the course:

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s. About 145,000 people in the UK has Parkinson’s. Worldwide there is between 7 million and 10 million people with the condition.

This interactive video-based course explains what Parkinson’s disease is and how to provide support for people with the disease.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain what Parkinson’s disease is
  • Identify the known stages of Parkinson’s disease
  • Describe the common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Care correctly for those with Parkinson’s disease

Subjects covered include:

Parkinson’s Disease • Parkinson’s is complicated • The Four Stages • Parkinson’s – What is it? • Caring for a Person with Parkinson’s • Dopamine and Medication • Dyskinesia • Hallucinations • Improving daily life for people living with Parkinson’s

Product Videos

